Convert Autocad Text To Excel

  1. How To Convert Autocad Text To Excel
  2. Export Autocad Text To Excel
  3. How To Convert Autocad Text To Excel
  4. Convert Autocad Text To Excel Table

How to export auto cad drawing text in Excel file RABANIZZ VIDEO TUTORIALS:- 1- Youtube Channel:1 Double click the mtext to activate the mtext editor (text formatting) then select all the contents of the mtext and copy using CTRL+C then paste to excel file. On the excel file use the Text to Column command on the Data tab (ALT+D+E for shortcut). Click “Convert” and save the file. Converting AutoCAD tables to Excel may sound like a complicated procedure at first, but with the right tool, you can easily maneuver around that obstacle and work with any AutoCAD tables you come across.

Export/import AutoCAD drawing texts to Excel or CSV (former Excellink)

DWGtext for AutoCAD

The DwgText plugin allows you to export/import texts and selected entity properties to/from your drawing. It supports AutoCAD 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014 and 2013 (both 32/64-bit) including verticals such as AutoCAD Map 3D, Mechanical, Architecture.). Exported data can be modified in Excel (or in the text file) and then you can bring them back into the AutoCAD DWG drawing. You can use DwgText for creating BOMs, text schedules, or for batch editing of drawing texts and their visual properties.

The list of supported drawing objects - entities and properties:

  • Text,
  • Multiline text,
  • Block reference (attributes, incl.dynamic),
  • Multileader,
  • Table,
  • Attribute definition (attdef),
  • Document properties (including custom properties).

You can export/import the data to/from the Microsoft Excel application (if installed), an Excel file or a text file (CSV, TSV, any delimiter).

The exported text objects can contain editable(!) properties like: text value (of course), entity type and name, layer, color, width, height, X/Y/Z coordinates (position), scale, rotation angle, dyn.block properties, attribute name, table cells, layout. These properties can be edited in Excel or in the text file (manually or in an automated way) and then updated in the original DWG drawing using the Import function. You can e.g. modify drawing text (strings), their positions or colors with an Excel macro, from a database system, possibly even from a sensor output, etc.

DwgText commands

DwgText adds the following commands:

  • DwgTextExport,
  • DwgTextImport,
  • DwgTextSettings,
  • DwgTextHelp,
  • DwgTextInfo.

How does DwgText work


According to the options preset in the Settings dialog, the DwgTextExport command exports selected entity properties to a Microsoft Excel sheet, an Excel file or a text file. A new row (line, record) will be created for each selected AutoCAD entity. Any entity is identified in the exported file by its entity handle and its drawing name - these will be used for future imports. There are some differencies between the export to Excel and to a text file. Each exported Excel row will contain AutoCAD entity identification in the first cell’s comment, while a text file has it as a row value (column). You can export entity handles and drawing names to Excel too, but the values are not important for the import functionality.

To avoid duplicity, DwgText uses the following prefixes for headers (column names) in the exported data:
ATTR_ for block attributes (can be suppressed in Setttings), DYN_ for dynamic block properties, CELL_ for table cells

Since version 1.6 you can select layers - only contents of these layers will be exported:


How To Convert Autocad Text To Excel

The DwgTextImport command reads data from the current instance of an Excel sheet, from an Excel file or a text file and modifies the current drawing's entity properties according to the source data. Correct entity identification is based on the drawing name and entity handle values. So if you will need to re-import the data, don´t delete exported cells' comments or the text file values Handle and DwgName. Additionaly, for future imports from a text file, you need to export the 'headers' with property names.

All Import options can be set in the settings dialog. Some visual properties cannot be changed through Import - you cannot change Layout of an entity, the block name, drawing name, entity handle, entity type and constant attributes in blocks.

Comments to some of the options

  • the Excel application and Excel file options will not be available if MS Excel (any, 97-2013) is not installed on your system
  • if you don't specify the Path for the output file, the drawing folder will be used for Export
  • you can use the separator/delimiter character to create CSV (comma-separated) or TSV (tab-separated) text files (no escaping is performed)
  • if you use the 'Use UCS' option for export, you need to use it also for import (otherwise your texts will move)
  • the 'All supported' and 'All these' options work on the whole drawing, including layouts
  • the 'New instance' option runs a new copy of Excel on each Export
  • the 'Use colors' option creates 'nicer' tables but is much slower (green values in the output are the text strings)
  • the 'Detect start row' option writes data at the end of the existing sheet (first empty line past the end of the current sheet)
  • right-click in the block references field to insert names of blocks in your current drawing (in alphabetical order)
  • unless you uncheck the 'Import only texts' option, no visual properties (position, color.) will be changed on Import
  • for the Import function, no Excel sheet cell must be in the edit mode and the text file must not be in use
  • be careful when disabling the attribute prefix option - attribute names may collide with some exported properties (e.g. your attribute tag must not be 'Handle' or 'Layer')
  • the 'Sort attributes' toggles between natural order (as in Insert) and alphabetic order of exported block attributes

Batch processing

The application itself doesn´t offer batch processing of multiplee drawings but it is easy to prepare an AutoCAD script that allows you to do that.

Let us say that we have three drawings: Drawing1, Drawing2, Drawing3 stored in the C:Temp folder and we need to export their data. Use e.g. the Notepad program and create a text file script as follows: Videopad video editor 4.05 serial key.

Don´t forget to put [Enter] after the last _.CLOSE command.

Save the script e.g. as 'Export.scr'. Then go to AutoCAD and load and run script via the Tools > Run script menu (_SCRIPT). If you want to batch process the Import command, then do it in the same way but call the _.DwgTextImport command instead of the _.DwgTextExport.


Excel output examples


  • V1.12 (3/2020)
    • support for AutoCAD 2021 (2013-2021)
    • detects and formats numbers
    • allows to specify decimal delimiter (point, comma)
  • V1.8.7 (4/2019)
    • support for AutoCAD 2020 (2013-2020)
    • progress-bars for import/export
  • V1.8 (6/2018)
    • support for AutoCAD 2019 (2013-2019)
    • minor block export bug fixed
  • V1.7 (6/2017)
    • support for AutoCAD 2018 (2013-2018)
    • new licensing mechanism
  • V1.6 (5/2016)
    • support for AutoCAD 2017 (2013-2017)
    • layer option in settings
  • V1.3 (4/2015)
    • support for AutoCAD 2016
  • V1.2 (6/2014)
    • new option: Sort exported attributes by name
    • new option: optional prefixes ATTR_ and DYN_ for exported attributes
    • fixed logging option (enabling log was applied only to subsequent AutoCAD sessions)
  • V1.0 (5/2014)
    • initial version for AutoCAD 2016, 2015, 2014 and 2013 (a descendant to Excellink)



The Trial version is time-limited (15 days).

If you are interested in the commercial version of CADstudio DwgText, use the BUY icon below or contact CAD Studio.

Mac os high sierra ableton live. Price of the commercial version of DwgText is 99 EUR - (for AutoCAD 2021/2020/2019/2018/2017/2016/2015/2014/2013)
or you can upgrade from Excellink (any version) for 50 EUR -
Czech customers can order through this link - .

See also the application XLSparam - import/export and linking of DWG object parameters with XLS tables


Trial version of CADstudio DwgText can be downloaded from Download or from the Autodesk AutoCAD Exchange Apps store

Export Autocad Text To Excel

Part 2 of 13 in our How To Use AutoCAD series

How To Convert Autocad Text To Excel

Working with PDF documents is difficult. Just working with the data itself can be time consuming. This is especially true when you need to extract something as precise as a PDF table into Excel. It requires that data to be transferred, cell by cell correctly into a spreadsheet, formatted perfectly and faithfully to the original.

Convert Autocad Text To Excel

So you can imagine how exporting a table from a PDF drawing to Excel is somewhat more complicated than exporting a table straight from AutoCAD to Excel.

However, this can be easily accomplished with Able2Extract’s “Custom PDF to Excel” conversion feature.

You can download the 7 day free trial and follow the steps below to export your table.

1.Open your PDF drawing with Able2Extract.

2. In the select panel, click on “Area”. Left click and drag to mark the table that you would like to export.

3. Once selected, click on “Excel”.

4. You’ll be presented with a Convert to Excel panel. Export simple tables automatically by clicking “Convert”. For now, stick to the Custom conversion and hit “Define”.

5. Now you have a complete control over your PDF to Excel conversion. Use the toolbar on the right to add and remove output columns and rows. When satisfied, check the “Show Preview” box to review your results.

6. Click “Convert” and save the file.

Convert Autocad Text To Excel Table

Converting AutoCAD tables to Excel may sound like a complicated procedure at first, but with the right tool, you can easily maneuver around that obstacle and work with any AutoCAD tables you come across.